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Be nice

author:lucky time:2024-05-29 10:00click:27

Be nice

Launch any app in split-screen mode

Be Cool is a small app launcher. Its only purpose is to launch apps in split-screen mode. This is more than convenient if an app forces the device into portrait mode. While portrait mode is the preferred orientation on smartphones, tablets and foldable devices are often used in landscape mode. Instead of rotating your device just to be able to use an app, launch it using Be nice.

Even if an app doesn't lock the device in portrait mode, its user interface may not look good in landscape mode. Here, Be Nice is also useful. Just launch the app with Be nice and enjoy portrait orientation in landscape mode.

To launch an app in djunglee Rummy 21ividida screen mode from the home screen, tap and hold the app on Be nice and select Add link. This will create a shortcut for the app on your home screen.

Being nice is friendly:

- No in-app purchases

- No ads

- No need to unlock anything

- We respect your privacy

- Completely open source

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